From lawn care basics, environmental benefits, creating a safe outdoor space for kids to play & families to enjoy, to gaining value & pride as a homeowner, The Lawn Institute, offers scientific, fact-based information on the value and management of your lawn while also funding academic research to advance the turf industry. Turf Producers International represents turfgrass, sod, and seed producers as well as the many suppliers and manufacturers who together promote the global environmental benefits of natural grass through education and research.
Sod & Athletic/Personal Safety
In the Fall of 2020, the NFL Player's Association President encouraged all NFL Stadiums to convert back to natural grass.
If the NFL is looking to make a change to natural grass, it makes you think it's probably the better bet for your own family as well!
If the NFL is looking to make a change to natural grass, it makes you think it's probably the better bet for your own family as well!
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When was the last time you heard someone say that a living plant was worse than plastic? Plastic fields aren't all they are made out to be!
A video, curtesy of
A video, curtesy of
Why Sodding your lawn is the better choice. The pictures speak for themselves!
Home Owner Install Project
Play-set transformation
Roof-top Install